Can you add to the Fayre?
Applications are currently closed to attend the Glastonbury Abbey Medieval Fayre as a Re-enactment group, trader, performer or caterer. We will open up the application process in the summer of 2024 for the fayre in 2025. Check the Glastonbury Abbey website as well as this one for announcements and watch for event announcements on the abbey’s social media channels.
Note for traders: Trading spaces are limited and are offered to our existing traders first. This is a medieval event and all traders are expected to trade from a medieval style tent and dress in period costume. There is no space for crystals, healing, and other products or services that don’t relate to the event. There is plenty of that product in the town for visitors to experience.
Note for caterers: We welcome applications each year for caterers to join the event and particularly are on the lookout for something different that adds to the visitor experience. We are not looking for burger vans, hog roast, chips, noodles, pizza, curry or crepes at the moment.
Note for performers: Do you have a main arena show you want to bring to the fayre? We are always interested in hearing from large show performers. Please email bradl@glastonburyabbey.com in the first instance. If you would like to perform as a walkaround act or musical act please wait for the application window to open.
Note for re-enactment groups: Applications for 2025 will open in the summer of 2024 and close in late 2024 (depending on the date for next year’s event). As the event is early in the year waiting for confirmation from groups into the new year may result in offers being withdrawn. You don’t have to have a full living history camp either. We do offer plastic camping adjacent to the site with access direct into the event on foot if you want to offer a mobile or smaller re-enactment presence.
When applications are open the forms will feature on this page.