Drengskapr Hird

Plymouth based Viking reenactment group authentically portraying living history and combat skills
Historia Normannis

Historia Normannis prides itself as a society, bringing history to life in a historically accurate, engaging and exciting way.
What A Palaver

What A Palaver will amaze you with a frenetic frenzy of fearsome fire, along with feats of derring-do, juggling, stilts, danger, excitement, stupidity & audience participation galore.
Avalon Recorder Consort

An eclectic mix of music which includes music from the Early Period, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th and 21st Centuries
Knights of Albion

Witness charging horses, fighting knights, mounted skills and even the comic antics of our jester.
Master Albert Harvey – Tudor Alchemist

Meet Master Albert Harvey, Adept of the ancient Art and Science of Alchemy.
Tales with Merry Matilda

Matilda has travelled many a mile across these lands woven with echoing whispers of Superstitions, Mystical Beasts, Ancient Magic and Mighty Battles.
de Mowbray’s Musicke

de Mowbray’s Musicke perform music, songs and dances of the late 15th century.
The Sutton Household

We are a medieval re-enactment group, portraying living history from the period of the Wars of the Roses in the 15th Century.
The Company of the Black Serpent

We are a small group that do medieval re-enactment. We show what day to day life was like in the medieval period.